Instant Exchange of 570+ cryptocurrency directions
without registration
Instant Transactions
On the Swappix platform, the average transaction execution time is 5-15 minutes.
Automatic exchange
The exchange operates around the clock in automatic mode. Customer support is ready to assist 24/7.
No Limitations on Amount
Exchange any amount of cryptocurrencies. Forget about exchange limitations.
How It Works
4 simple steps
Select your preferred exchange pair
Choose from over 570 available cryptocurrency pairs. 02
Specify your wallet address to receive funds
Specify your wallet address where the exchanged funds will be sent. 03
Make the payment following instructions
Transfer the funds to the address provided by us. 04
Relax and wait for the funds to arrive
Wait for the completion of the operation during which the funds will be sent to you.How to make an exchange on SwapPix?
A detailed step-by-step video instruction on the cryptocurrency exchange process
Popular currency pairs
Analyze popular currency pairs in real-time
Why Swappix is the best platform for cryptocurrency exchange?
We work 24/7
Swappix process exchange automatically. Our online support service is always ready to assist you. Get answers to any questions 24/7.
We ensure simplicity throughout the exchange process, enabling users to easily track their transaction status.
No Registration Required
Exchange Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies without the need for registration. Use our service without logging in and providing personal data.
Our service ensures high transaction processing speed: processing time ranges from 5 to 15 minutes depending on volume.
We guarantee that the funds you receive are entirely clean as they come from reliable liquidity providers.
We uphold high standards of confidentiality and security, which are fundamental concepts of cryptocurrency.